There are two ways you can apply for ICG CC Recognition: From completing an ICG recognised course at Level I or you can apply via the portfolio pathway
Provide a certificate of completion from ICG Recognised Course/ or demonstrate completed specific coaching training minimum 70 + hours
Coaching experience - Log minimum 500 coaching hours
Coaching experience - Log minimum 350 paid hours out of the 500 coaching hours
Client references - 5 x Client references
Mentor supervision - Supervised by an ICG Level I Recognised Coach
Assessment - 1 x coaching session recording, with transcript
Assessment - 750 word critical reflection on where ICG Core Competencies are demonstrated in relation to your recorded coaching session
Coach self-assessment - 500 words Coach’s self-assessment of practice
Demonstrate complete 20 hours CPD/ per annum

What I love about the International Coach Guild (ICG) is it gives me an opportunity to connect with other coaches, I get to contribute to the group the things that are really important in my business and in my life and get some ideas and some feedback and really start a conversation with each other and I love that. - Vanessa Medling

Certified Advanced Coach (CAC)
As a recognised ICG CAC coach you demonstrate practiced experience in ICG Core Competencies and Proficiencies in your coaching skills to be able to mentor other coaches in this skill. The CPCS level requires at least 750 coaching hours completed, 675 hours of which must have been paid hours.
There are two ways you can apply for ICG CAC Recognition: From completing an ICG recognised course at Level II or you can apply via the portfolio pathway
Provide a certificate of completion from ICG Recognised Course/ or demonstrate completed specific coaching training minimum 150+ hours
Coaching experience - Log minimum 750 coaching hours
Coaching experience - Log minimum 675 paid hours out of the 750 coaching hours
Client references - 7 x Client references
Mentor supervision - Supervised by an ICG Level II Recognised Coach
Assessment - 1 x coaching session recording, with transcript
Assessment - 750 word critical reflection on where ICG Core Competencies are demonstrated in relation to your recorded coaching session
Coach self-assessment - 500 words Coach’s self-assessment of practice
Demonstrate complete 20 hours CPD/ per annum

I’de just like to say thank you so much International Coach Guild (ICG) for having this outstanding community in which to be a part of. The ICG is a not for profit association, a body of coaches that has been set up by coaches, for coaches and that’s what I love about it. - Peta Lazarides

Certified Master Coach (CMC)
As a recognised ICG CMC coach you demonstrate excellence in ICG Core Competencies and Proficiencies in your coaching skills and you are committed to life-long learning. The CMC level requires at least 2500 coaching hours completed, 2250 hours of which must have been paid hours.
There are two ways you can apply for ICG CMC Recognition: From completing an ICG recognised course at Level III or you can apply via the portfolio pathway
Provide a certificate of completion from ICG Recognised Course/ or demonstrate completed specific coaching training minimum 250+ training hours
Coaching experience - Log minimum 2500 coaching hours
Coaching experience - Log minimum 2250 paid hours out of the 2500 coaching hours
Client references - 10 x Client references
Mentor supervision - Supervised by an ICG Level III Recognised Coach
Assessment - 1 x coaching session recording, with transcript
Assessment - 1000 word critical reflection on where ICG Core Competencies are demonstrated in relation to your recorded coaching session
Coach self-assessment - 500 words Coach’s self-assessment of practice
Demonstrate complete 20 hours CPD/ per annum

I’ve been part of International Coach Guild (ICG) for the last 8 months. There were 3 reasons for which I joined: the first one was to connect with like minded outstanding coaches who are here to make a difference to the coaching industry, who are here to excel in their businesses. - Kshama Upadhyay Gangly

Certified Professional Coach (CPC)
As a recognised ICG AC coach you demonstrate excellence in ICG Core Competencies and Proficiencies in your coaching skills and you are committed to life-long learning. The AC level requires at least 3000 coaching hours completed, 2500 hours of which must have been paid hours.
There are two ways you can apply for ICG CPC Recognition: From completing an ICG recognised course at Level IV or you can apply via the portfolio pathway
Provide a certificate of completion from ICG Recognised Course/ or demonstrate completed specific coaching training minimum 350+ training hours
Coaching experience - Log minimum 3000 coaching hours
Coaching experience - Log minimum 2500 paid hours out of the 3000 coaching hours
Client references - 10 x Client references
Mentor supervision - Supervised by an ICG Level IV Recognised Coach
Assessment - 1 x coaching session recording, with transcript
Assessment - 1500 word critical reflection on where ICG Core Competencies are demonstrated in relation to your recorded coaching session
Coach self-assessment - 500 words Coach’s self-assessment of practice
Demonstrate complete 20 hours CPD/ per annum